Concours architecture - Archive

Le fonds PERSPEKTIVE 2023 et l’équipe du Bureau des arts plastiques de l’Institut français d’Allemagne sont heureux d’annoncer les (…)
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Deadline : 31.08.2023 Le formulaire de participation peut être téléchargé ici. Veuillez également lire, compléter et signer le (…)
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The first prize is awarded to Cécile Gaudard for her project “The caretakers – An exploration on a traumatized landscape”. Recently (…)
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The second prize is awarded to Kim Tzarowsky and Maria José Landeta Valencia, for their project Transhumance: a model for growing (…)
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The third prize is awarded to Sarah Pens, Cooperative Hinterland Sarah Pens (1997, Hannover), studies at Leipniz University in (…)
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Make Ines Stay? Project of Johanna Bendlin, Laura Villeret and Falma Fshazi. A stroller passed by, moving fast in the narrow street. A (…)
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The (un)comfortable village Project of Benedikt Hartl. This is a project for adventurers and modern gatherers and hunters and shows a (…)
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“Always there, very personal” Project of Sunghoon Go. What does it mean to return to the place where I was born? The place, where I was (…)
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Achkarren – Growing and Sustainable Village Project of Pavel Kosenkov. The “Achkarren: Growing and Sustainable (…)
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Reinventing Rurbanism Project of Franziska Michl. The architect shapes spaces so as to give them social utility as well as human and (…)
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CROSS-BORDER PLACEMAKING Rural border obsolescence and perspective Project of Alexandra Schartner. Rural borderlands are a space of (…)
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– Rutopie – rural, village, future. Project of Leonie Wrede. Because of the changing world of work – especially the (…)
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